After over a decade since the release of the first “John Carter” film, Disney is finally reviving the beloved science fiction franchise with an eagerly awaited sequel. The first teaser trailer for “John Carter 2” has arrived, and it promises to deliver a sweeping, action-packed adventure that will transport audiences back to the captivating world of Barsoom.
The trailer opens with a familiar sight – the red, dusty landscape of the alien planet Mars, known as Barsoom in the narrative. As the camera pans across the rugged terrain, we hear the voice of Taylor Kitsch’s John Carter, the film’s protagonist, uttering the iconic line, “I’m not of this world.”
As the tagline states, “A World Awaits,” hinting at the vast, unexplored corners of this fantastical alien landscape that audiences will have the opportunity to discover. “John Carter 2” looks poised to deliver a thrilling, visually stunning experience that will transport viewers to the edge of the solar system and beyond.